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Kamis, 03 Januari 2008

Bus Accident Attorney

Bus and motorcoach accidents kill hundreds every year around the world and in the U.S. The following should help you understand your rights as an alleged victim or protect yourself against false accusations if you are a bus driver and sued for negligence.

Who should hire an attorney? Federal or state law does not require anyone hire a lawyer or seek legal council. However, handling an accident case requires a very skilled person with years of experience if its to be done right. Attorneys that are well versed in analyzing the legalities of liability, diverse insurance policies and structures, and settlement amounts you should ask for and receive. When you hire an attorney it is recommended that you seek someone or some company that spends nearly all their time on personal injury or workers' compensation cases.

Statute of Limitations on bus accident cases? Most vehicular accident cases in many states must be brought within two years. There are many exceptions to this rule. Contact an attorney to ensure you are filing within the specific time period associated with your case type.

Who pays for the accident lawyer? Your initial consultation with nearly all lawyers is free. You usually only pay if and when you get a settlement and the amount is determined by how much you agree to in the beginning. The riskier the outcome the higher the attorney will require to take the case.

No health insurance? how to pay medical bills when in a bus collision?
The negligent driver's insurance will never pay your medical bills up front. They will always wait until you settle your case, otherwise they are admitting guilt. Sometimes when you are without health insurance your own vehicle insurance company provides some coverage for your medical bills without addressing fault. Most policies have at least a $5,000 medical pay provision. If you have this, regardless of who's fault it is, your insurance company will pay up to $5,000.00 in medical bills. Otherwise you may have to fall on the assistance of the local hospital until a case can be built. Once again you need an attorney to do this and ensure success in your accident claim.

Special cases - Sometimes for one reason or another people or companies will try to show they have no good insurance and that it would be fruitless to pursue legal action. You can investigate the negligent driver's assets with the help of a research lawyer. Someone with large assets will almost always have high vehicular liability policy limits. This means the have good insurance and this is your best bet in getting a settlement. If the bad driver is rich you may ignore your rights to his/her bus accident policy limits and instead sue them personally.

How soon do you have to file a claim? Each state has a "statute of limitations" which limits the time you have to act. Be sure to check with an bus accident attorney for the proper "statute of limitations" and any other issues that must be addressed to protect your claim. Visit bus accident lawyers for more information on bus accidents.

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